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How Can Audience Profiling Help Reduce Marketing Costs And Improve Online ROI?

Who is your online audience?

In most cases cusotmers say well, this is online right, so anybody can come & see my website.

Well, in this video we are going to see why audience is so crucial for defining online ROI for your business?

There are 3 ways How You Can Define Your Online Audience?
Let’s get start

1) Know Thy Business:

Treat your audience as if you are sitting right in front of customer across the table.

So if you customer is sitting across, before he makes buying decision.
Those questions need to be answered to yourself & then you’re content to be positioned in that manner. Because you would want to talk to your potential customers right?

You won’t want to talk to everyone at the street about your product. You would want to talk to customers who are going to give you time who are interested in buying from you.

Know your business, what are the questions, what are the problems. Do not optimize you online content for search engines, optimize for your customers problems & solutions that you provide to them.
Because, make no mistake your customers are looking at solutions on the web not searching for random website.

2) Purpose Of Your Audience:

Now this will vary from business to business. But you need to clearly understand, identify & established what the purpose of that audience is when he comes to your website or online presence.

  • Is he coming for information?
  • Is he coming to take some action? Or
  • Is he coming to make some transaction? May buying from your store.

That purpose will be very clearly identified, established & presented to your customer.

Because many cases I have seen retail websites, giving away too much information without the main transactional calls. On the other hand I see lot of B2B websites giving a lot of transactional CTAs without providing right information. This is going to take your customer away. As I said customers are going to come to your website for solutions to their problems.

Therefore you need to be able to position yourself, your content, messaging in such a way you & they are very clear when they come online as to what they want & what has been delivered to them.

3) Audience Demography:

This is also an important aspect, but highly overlooked. Because you may have the relevant, engaging content, but if you are not hitting the right demography they you may be losing big opportunities.

Example: Is your business geared towards interacting with CEOs or you are trying to educate mid management through your online presence or you are trying to provide information to base level executives? Is that clear? Is it clear on your website? Do you know who is going to watch that content? Have your positioned your content? If you have very basic information given out & CEOs coming out watching out your content are they going to be impressed at all? No. Or you really give out high end stuff & your audience is the base level executives looking to find information so that he can create reports to present it to his boss, even he is going to get stuck. Because the way they will interpret, deceive for the language is going to be extremely different right?

So you really need to know who is going to read that content & how they are going to interpret it towards taking business actions & business decisions. So understanding of that demography becomes so crucial.
So those were 3 ways of establishing your online audience, there are so many other factors well but I have tried to cover top 3 according to me.

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How To Build An Online Business Sustainable Long Term With Changing Technology?

In this ever-changing online world where things changed over six months.
What approach should be taken to be able to grow the online business sustainability?

Very interesting question and to that my answer was If we takes care of these 3 aspects, we would be able to build a sustainable and stable business over the long term.
Let’s see what they are.

1. Intent:
In the online world, a billion searches are happening every day for various reasons. For example, you are an online store selling mobile phones what could be the more pertinent search for you? An iPhone history our latest iPhone X Model which is more relevant for you? The second one Right? Which means understanding the context of what that search is so important for your business.

Because if I were to optimize for iPhone history which has been searched 10K times. It’s not going to bring your business. It just going to bring me traffic where people are trying to search for the iPhone history.

You want people to buy from you, Right? Therefore, capture the intent of the keywords being typed in and then optimize your online presence for that intent. That will always deliver relevant traffic for you and relevant traffic means business.

2) Content:
Once you’ve established intent on the search. You must quickly able to position the content that addresses that specific intent. So if in the previous example: latest iPhone X model Right? The content should be positioned to show various versions of the model, colors & specifications & everything that the user wants to know when he is making that final decision. What’s more? There should be also things like giving him comparisons to other models so that he can make an informed decision and at that place itself.
If he has a query, he should be able to connect with you as well. So positioning that content is so very important. So you understand the intent then you position your content to be able to convert that relevant traffic into an engaged one.

3) Engagement & Enablement:
The part of the content was to ensure that you create your content in such a way that the user remains engaged on your website or your online presence. So there are some questions, he is talking to you, looking at videos, reviews. He is able to ask questions. It’s all engagement.

And once you’ve got him engaged you have to be able to give him the power to make those buying decisions and to be able to simplify his buying experience. So you have an e-commerce facility on your website so he can make that purchase decision. You have a facility where he can request a quote, he can compare models, and you can give him offerings of accessories along with his purchases.
All that is enablement for the customer to make that buying decision.

So if you go through this root INTENT | CONTENT | ENGAGEMENT WITH ENABLEMENT

Irrespective of whatever happens in the online world, technology will change, the competition will increase, and search engines will go up and down. But you are directly targeting the customer. If we do that then that is no harm to business your business would always remain stably sustainable. Yes, you will have to make those changes. You will have to adapt to changing new technology and environment.

But the primary focus is the customer. So if you really understand your customer, you will be able to deliver long term business for your customers and grow your online business.

I hope this blog was helpful. If you have any questions please write to us on the email is shown on your screen.

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ business@zoomyourtraffic.com

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