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3 DONT's When Working On SEO Campaigns

Check out 3 Don’ts Of SEO Campaigns

In this video we’re going to tell you three Don’ts of SEO campaigns that you need to keep in mind.

This is a big mistake that almost 95 % of businesses make especially small ones, that they tend to stop the campaigns assuming that it’s not going to work for them.

In 3-6 months if they don’t see results coming up really fast, they feel, oh this is waste of budget now let’s stop it, this is not going to work for us. This is of a fatal mistake.
Do not stop your campaigns. Yes, you need to analyze and check out what’s going wrong.

Whether the strategy was correct, the goals set were correct. That is very important to do. But, do not stop. This is very important.

Now, this is another area where SMBs or small businesses suffer because at first whiff of a couple of negative reviews/feedback they get panic and they really don’t know how to handle the feedbacks, how to address those negative comments and then they really get paranoid.

No, this is an online marketplace. It’s an evolving one. It’s still maturing and most businesses even the big brands are suffering from this. So instead of panicking it’s best to address those reviews address those feedbacks that is going to build higher customer trust.

Please take this word and that’s how your brand is going to grow. So please do not panic. Cooldown. Take help if needed. And address those problems quickly.

Now many businesses just want to replicate what the competition is doing. Because they are doing this do this because they have a website,make ours better than them, they have a great social presence ours would be quickly good.

That’s a big mistake. Let’s understand this. Your business is unique and although they’re competitors who offer the same services or similar products their business is unique as well. Their goals may be different, their approach may be different, their price points may be different, and their audience will be different. There are so many metrics involved.

Therefore keep your business goals in mind and keep your audience in mind.
Keep your strategy in mind and plan your campaigns. Do not try to compare or compete with others. Go with your strategy and you will certainly succeed.
Do you agree with those 3 DON’Ts? Or You have your Don’ts to add to that lists?

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