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How WhatsApp Engagement Campaigns Are Helpful For B2B Customers?

How WhatsApp Engagement Campaigns Are Helpful For B2B Customers?

1) Our biggest learning in this exercise was our findings that
“People now prefer to read messages via WhatsApp over email.”
That’s a very important and critical input for our business. e-Mail is generally confined to laptops and office-based scenarios whereas  WhatsApp is a mobile-driven messaging system and in today’s world when people are on the move all the time, communication on the fly is very important.
Therefore this transition was definitely not unexpected. But now once we’ve realized through our campaigns it makes a hell of a lot more important that we really focus on this aspect and start building our messaging which is more of WhatsApp oriented which will really deliver on time and reach the customer’s inbox right away.
2) The second most important observation that we found on WhatsApp was “The messaging was more direct as opposed to email which was more indirect.”
What I mean by direct messaging was the responses were more in terms of decision making or action-oriented. For example: let’s meet or lets discuss on a call or when can we start with this project or when can we connect to discuss this further. Whereas on e-mail it was more of OK send us more information. Can you send me some examples of your work? So these are more indirect.
So with WhatsApp what the observed was people were more eager, more action-oriented when it came to messaging via this medium. Therefore it also helped us in speeding up communication and decisions on projects. Isn’t that powerful?
3) The very fascinating aspect of WhatsApp is it’s ability to immediately notify you that whether your messages have been sent, whether they’ve been received and when that read using those gray and blue checkmarks, right?
Now this is so powerful as a business to understand ,who is reading your messages, who is ignoring them, what times they’re reading those messages this become such an important data as a business to know and categorize the customers on what kind of content has been read when it’s been read, who is reading it. And then you can realign or re-categorize your content to send out specific content to specific groups at specific times so that you can really develop an engagement and again improve on your decision making Get your customers so engage they want to talk to you.
So using this WhatsApp platform we have were able to understand and learn a lot of things.
The learning is always on and you are really learning new fascinating aspects using this program which we will keep on sharing with you in the coming days and months.
If you have any questions or suggestions for us, please write to us on the email @ business@zoomyourtraffic.com or in the comments section below.
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