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SEO Trends That Will Matter Most in 2019- Challenges And Opportunities

SEO Trends That Will Matter Most in 2019- Challenges And Opportunities

In this #TechKnow Session Parveen explains, Top 3 SEO Trends Look Ahead? What Are The Challenges And Opportunities It Brings?

  1. Page Speed:
    At present, Google takes into consideration, both speed and optimization as the ranking signals. Therefore, it becomes evident that the optimization score is presently vital for ranking. The best thing is that you can deal with site optimization and result tracking, all by yourself. Google, over and over again states its commitment towards flawless user experience for its users. Prior, Google made use of the desktop’s page loading time to consider ranking, while currently, it is mobile page speed that turns into a ranking factor in case of mobile. The change essentially dictates that webmasters are required to investigate things that help in boosting the page speed that Google considers essential, as far as page speed evolution is concerned.
  2. Amazon Search:
    Amazon is not considered to be a universal search engine, however, for product search and shopping, it serves to be a top destination for the users. It’s told that an astounding 56% of customers visit Amazon initially, on the off chance that they have to purchase something. If we consider a seller, it is considered an opportunity missed, on the off chance that he is not selling via Amazon. That is to say, the Amazon SEO strategy is necessary for 2019, in the event that you sell products via Amazon.
  3. Mobile First Indexing:
    What happens to be Google’s brainchild, mobile-first indexing makes use of your mobile version of the site, so as to index and rank sites. The process is rolling out really quickly as have begun notifying webmasters regarding it. The thought behind mobile first indexing is that henceforth Google will be taking into consideration, mobile versions of a website for ranking.

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