Tag Archive for: #B2bMarketing

B2B Festive Marketing Ideas to Engage, Connect With Customers to Your Business

The festival season in India has just begun and India is all about culture and emotions.

So how can you make use of these two aspects to really drive our branding, connect and engagement with customers as a B2B business in this festive season?

1) Branding:

Launch a new product or service with innovation in this season. Link it with the cultural aspects of the various festivals. These tend to get higher eyeballs I mean if you see these social acts many bigger brands launched during this time are very socially connected culturally connected. This really helps in creating more eyeballs in terms of the social appeal that a product can make with your customers and then the outlook for such kind of brands becomes even more powerful. Then you follow them up with your backup campaigns making them more technical and making them more solution oriented. So hit your customers hit to the audience with new launches or innovations of your business during this period to drive more eyeballs and hence build better branding.

2) Connect:

This entire season is not really for sales pitching or heavy promotion. Instead you can really look to connect with your customers to connect with an audience, create polls, generate reviews get customer feedback get their insights into how your products are. This kind of approach will make them connect with you more because you are not throwing offers because they could receive a ton of them from others. So you stand out by actually reversing that approach and reaching out to them to take feedbacks, take insights into your offerings and how better you can make them. This will make them feel more connected and really build that kind of an engagement and relationship with your business.

3) Have you studied the previous season’s data and seen the trends?

Well how about co-relating this and sharing with your audience sharing with their customers telling them what’s happened over the last 3-4 years and what’s projected for the next four or five years. Will that be interesting to your customers? And I bet it will. Therefore keeping in touch with the markets that you are trying to address and educating to audience, engaging your audience with industry, market data, and social data will always help to connect better with your audience and customers. This will drive more engagement and branding for your online business. So once you create this branding connect engagement with your customers. You can then follow up your communications to really drive meaningful discussions and project decisions with your customers in the coming months.

So use this festival season as a stepping stone to begin your communication, begin your brand building, and begin your engagement programs with your customers. And then gradually build them towards business decisions in the later months. This is how I would suggest B2B businesses to really promote their businesses starting this festival season in India.

I hope this blog was helpful to you.

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3 Reasons Why You Are Facing Google Penalties?

3 Reasons Why You Are Facing Google Penalties?

In this video, I’m going to explain,
Why Google is penalizing your Website?
In the next video, Why Google Is Not Pushing Your Website Up?
So let’s get started.

Google penalties is something that needs to be understood very carefully. A penalty will only be applied when something goes against their policy terms. Otherwise, there’s been no penalty. So need to carefully understand, if there any violation of any term, policy or guidelines that Google has provided.
So let’s get 3 such instances where this one issue can happen and then you could be penalized and if you can review these 3 instances, you can make the recovery that is needed.
1) Avoid Any Violation
This is because once you are penalized, retaining back is very difficult. You may appeal to Google, but you don’t know when they are going to respond. So be careful & plan on how you want to really plan your campaigns so that you will never face penalties.
i) Link farms or content farms. This has been one of the primary areas where Google has really targeted and focused on wiping out websites that have this issue. In the early 2000s and even coming back, this was around but was very useful. People made millions of $ using these kinds of schemes. It doesn’t work anymore, but surprisingly it is still being practiced.
Google is getting very strict on these things. So if you have gotten into any of these link building schemes or content farms links, where you pay, make reciprocal links, 3rd Party links, avoid them because they are extremely irrelevant and the no. of links definitely not help you rank.

You need to build relevant links. A link is basically a continuation of experience according to me. So you read a snippet you say click here and for more information click here, go to that page, should be a continuation of what we are reading already. Then it’s going to create value. If not then it’s absolutely no value. And if you are indulging in these kinds of practices, its certainly advise please stop it right now and get all those links clear.
In cases, you have used 3rd parties request them to remove it. If done it yourself try to remove them yourself. So, link & content farms are absolute no.

2) Clickbait
Clickbait is another area which is against Google guidelines. This means that you actually create a buzz by creating snippets of text like, hey this is something exciting please watch right now. Don’t miss it. But when you actually click it opens up some scrappy stuff with the few images and it just really disrupts the expert. In some cases it’s not even relevant to what you’re trying to say, this is just called a click-bait and generally done to improve visitor traffic to the website.
If that happens, Google is so smart enough now to understand that you are just trying to build traffic to your Website. This is going to really attract a penalty.

In some cases, its seen websites have been being de-indexed and this absolute no chance of reviving them after that. So be careful with click baits and do not fall for it, if you are already done that then its’ definitely advise going on the recovery mode right away before Google actually identifies it & penalizes your website.

3) Duplicate Content.
This is another area that you have to really guard against. A lot of webmasters for themselves and their customer’s projects in the haste of building traffic, rankings build content based on keywords and repeat it on multiple pages or build pages for variation of keywords.
For e.g. having a page for 4, 6 & 8 wheeler trucks with same content just a few changes here and there. This is a serious duplicate content. You may want to have different pages type of trucks, but the content, tags, meta content on them must be unique, their tags, meta content must be unique. Basically, the idea is to build value from the page. Are they going to add value to the reader? If that’s the case, then only those pages are going to be ranked well. However if Google spots these multiple pages with the same content, then definitely duplicate penalty going to arise.

So those were 3 areas where Google penalties can be applied. There are many other areas where Google can still penalize if there’s a violation of the guidelines.
Therefore my suggestion to all webmasters, SEOs to ensure to follow the Google guidelines carefully.
Build awareness, read documentation, probably learn from experts and try to understand what works, and what doesn’t.

The recovery from penalization can be extremely tough. It’s basically forewarned is forearmed and prevention is always better than cure.
So work on that principle and your website will never have Google penalties that keep happening from time to time to websites.

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ business@zoomyourtraffic.com

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How To Effectively Answer Client’s Tricky Questions During SEO Meetings?

How To Effectively Answer Client’s Tricky Questions During SEO Meetings?

Hello Everyone!
As an SEO marketer and salesperson, I meet a lot of customers every day and it is invariably found out that there are 3 questions that pop-up in most meetings.

In this video, we’re going to look at three such questions and how to effectively handle them to come up with successful outcomes.
1) Google Rankings
Most customers start with meetings by saying they’re my previous agency was not able to deliver on the Google rankings that they had promised and how do you intend to deliver on that one?

If the meeting starts on this note, it indicates a lot of education needs to be done with clients. Start asking questions in terms of their objectives? why did they want to make the Google rankings? What is the purpose?

In most cases, the purpose is to generate leads and business for them.
But then is Google ranking the only way to do it? But since they have heard from friends, their experience tells them that once we have Google rankings we are going to have a business. On their part, it’s very fair.

But as an SEO marketer, it’s our job, it’s our duty to educate them to understand the link between Google rankings, right traffic and lead generation, lead qualification and eventual sales.
Therefore education with the customer when such a question comes up is very important.

2) How Is Your Program Different From Other Agencies?
This question also pops up and also shows that the customer is trying to create benchmarking to decide whom they want to go.? This is fair in a way but again, a comparative approach will not work. Your methodologies differ, your approaches differ. What’s more important is understanding the customer’s vision and objectives and then be able to apply through your methodology to achieve that.

Don’t try to compare other programs with yours. Your conviction of really achieving set goals to deliver, what promises you make can be fulfilled should be really understood by the customer. Only then the comparison will stop. Otherwise, he’s going to rise from your meeting into another one to look for comparative options. Make your proposition unique.

3) Pricing
99% of projects boil down to this factor – Pricing Plans. This X-agency has given me A price, Y has B and yours say C which is 5 times more than what the others. Why is that? Understand clearly that probably you have not been able to educate your customer by now. This is a very really good indicator. This also calls for another round with customer, share good case studies, good examples of similar projects that you have done with delivered results.
customers will have budgets, but then ideally he should say – “This is my budget and now how can we achieve these objectives?”

That’s the one where you can then align, probably stage it or break it into parts or just focus on the few areas. Way to go. By comparing with An agency and B agency will not serve any purpose.
Once these are answered confidently, you are on your way to sign the contract with your customers.

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ business@zoomyourtraffic.com  

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