30 Day Evaluation Program – 360 Degree Business Perspective

Jul 2017 – Aug 2017

eCommerce is BIG Opportunity in India. With increasing bandwidth, low service rates and ease of use, businesses are looking to leverage traffic on mobiles, laptops and gadgets to engage and buy from their stores on the run literally…

When Vishwas and Nikhil approached us to promote their eCommerce store for Adventure Biking Gear and Accessories, it seemed like a routine project for us at first. Rank their products on Google, get traffic, engage them and build sales.

For eCommerce Stores – we propose a 30 day evaluation program for customers. According to us, eCommerce has multiple facets and metrics that need to be closely monitored along with business vision. This program gives businesses align toward right vision, mission, direction, action and decision. Its time and money well invested before embarking upon the long haul.

As anticipated, when our technical team sat down for their first review of the website, we sensed something different here:

  • The business model was built on a lot of assumptions of the market – seasonal, commercially segmented, professionals, competition challenges, etc.
  • Technical aspects of the eCommerce store were built around convenience rather than needs
  • It was more of “test and lets see” approach rather than “test and grow” leading to passive decision making
  • Strategy was positioned around visible oriented activity (creation of website, Google AdWords) rather than business and brand development (Engagement, Conversions, Tracking)
  • Competition, Technology Disruptions, User behavior, Sales patterns, Customer engagement, Right budgets and investments for promotion and growth, all needed to be reviewed and planned for.

At the end of 30 days, they had this full picture idea of what was in place and how they imagined vs how it could be done effectively. Their business is progressively moving ahead and we are working on their next stage of business growth.

Ready to discuss your project?

Feel free to ask any questions you may have and our team will connect to address them.