Health Awareness Mission Diabetes Free India
– Dr. Ravindra Nandedkar
Dr. Nandedkar is an eminent diabetes specialist doctor based in Pune. In spite of being visually impaired, his work in the field for diabetes cure and prevention has been exemplary over the years.
To back his dream of “Diabetes Free India”, we jointly created an online presence to build outreach, knowledge and a system to not just spread the message but encourage people to take advantage as well as help others overcome the dreaded ailment.
We Developed A Digital Strategy To Have Their Presence Created:
We Developed A Digital Strategy To Have Their Presence Created:
Beneficiaries Of BMDY
Checkup Camp
Training Program
A leading Luxury Home Decor brand was participating in HGH 2019 to showcase their new franchise model for home decor stores and outlets. The brand wanted to penetrate the second tier cities and target virgin territories.
When we met to discuss this scenario with them, we had a clear plan to:
We set out a 60 day action plan for this project – 25 days pre event, 3 days of LIVE event and 32 days of post event engagement.
Pre Event Phase:
This included establishing existing network of outlets and shop associates (the low hanging fruit to tap into for expansion to other territories), reaching new audience (geo-demo targeting using digital and social media) and inviting them to HGH 2019. Our campaign included a series of themed email campaigns, WhatsApp messaging and Facebook marketing with our brand positioning, our new model, features, etc. Engagement through Q&A, Polls, Forms ensured audience could interact with us to know more.
**CRISIS – Due to heavy rains and floods in Mumbai, exhibition was postponed by 4 days. Due to prompt actions and messaging, we were pleased to receive 92% of our pre-registered visitors at our booth.
LIVE Event:
This included Live action from their booth – Presentations for audience, Facebook LIVE chat shows and display ads engaged the audience extensively. Offerings ensured visitors were signing up for demos and next level engagement process with the company.
Post Event Engagement:
A lot of visitor data was collected and apart from thank you reconnects, we categorized the recipients as active, incubators and visitors. Different communication at these levels ensured we were actively addressing their perspective of the opportunity leading to quick decision making.