Social Media Marketing Copyright Rules for Businesses

In recent time every business wants to make their presence on Social Media. Then if you are using Facebook, Twitters, LinkedIn and other social media platforms to promote your business, then you must know about the social media etiquette rules that your business should follow.

If you are trying to break the rules, then your marketing results will plummet.

But no need to worry because there are some copyright rules and regulations for social media that your business needs to follow if you want to stay away from expensive legal trouble?

With that in mind, here we explain some basic copyright rules to follow when you promote your business online and engage with people through social media marketing. There are 5 basic copyright rules are:

  • Assume Your Use is Not Covered by Fair Use
  • Make Sure You Own It (or Have Permission to Use It) before You Publish It
  • Don’t Fight the DMCA, Understand It and Abide by It
  • Beware of Creative Commons
  • Get Federal Copyright Registration for Your Creative Work

These are the five basic social media copyright rules that you have to follow and avoid copyright infringement. So now we discuss in details about this copyright rules:

1. Assume Your Use is Not Covered by Fair Use:

Fair use could be a sticky, cloudy, messy, confusing, insert similar adjectives of your alternative, slope. Fair use was created to allow limited use of a copyrighted work for reasonable purposes without having to actually get the owner’s permission to use it. Fair use doesn’t mean free use.

Ask yourself these four questions before you deem your use of someone else’s creativity:

  • What is the purpose and character of the use of the work?
  • What is the nature of the copyrighted work?
  • What part of the work was used compared to the whole?
  • What is the effect of the use of the work on the potential value or market of the original copyrighted work?

2. Make Sure You Own It (or Have Permission to Use It) before You Publish It:

Owner and author (or creator) both are different things, and the difference between owner and the author can mean the difference between your getting into big and expensive trouble or not…read more

Disclaimer: This post is written by another author and source. Our purpose is to solely help our audience gain knowledge. We do not intend to use this copy for any commercial purpose. We have give due credit to the creator and directing viewers to the rightful owner of this content from this page.

What you need to know about Google Ads and Facebook Ads Auction Platforms

What you need to know about Google Ads and Facebook Ads Auction Platforms

Formerly Google Ad-words, Google Ads has been around since the dawn of the new millennium. Facebook’s ad platform tends to contribute to some degree of confusion though. If you’re looking to fine-tune your online advertising strategy, here’s a closer look at how ads work on both Google and Facebook.

With Google, you can use the Keyword Planner tool to get an idea of how competitive various keywords are. You’ll use this information to plan your bidding strategy and tell Google how much you are willing to pay for each click.

Autobidding is an algorithm-based way to manage your ads on Google. Most ad buyers prefer the manual option since it’s easier to avoid over-spending. But if you go with autobidding, your bids will be based on objectives such as:
• Target cost-per-action (CPA)
• Search page location
• Return on advertising spend (ROAS)

Facebook has no version of Keyword Planner. This is because there are so many different possible ways to reach your target audience on this platform.

Instead, most advertisers opt for autobidding for Facebook Ads. However, you can still do manual bidding. Just tell FB how much you are willing to dish out for every action your ads inspire.

Quality of Ads:
It’s no secret that Google has a thing for quality and relevance – Facebook does, too. This being said, neither platform will reject ads because they are poorly prepared(unless it infringes the guidelines). But you’ll have to pay more to reach your intended audience.

Just remember that lackluster ads are less likely to convince clickers to take the desired action(s). So, you’ll still want to be mindful of your ad quality if you want to optimize your ROI.

Google gives you a Quality Score. Facebook gives you a Relevance Score. Both platforms use a 1-10 scale to determine quality and relevance. Your ads’ click-through rates will also be evaluated by both platforms.

Facebook typically considered the feedback your ads generate. Google uses factors that include:
• Landing page quality/relevance
• Keyword relevance to its ad group
• Historical ad performance

Estimated Action Rate:
Estimated action rate (EAR) is unique to Facebook. This is because FB allows you to choose ad objectives. The platform’s artificial intelligence capabilities use those objectives to display your ads to an audience likely to be receptive to them.

You can further narrow your focus by letting FB know which stage of the buying cycle matters most to you. For example, if you want to target buyers at the lower end of the advertising funnel, FB will do its best to achieve this goal.

However, if FB is unable to achieve your objective, your campaigns are basically stopped. This can be a smart way to avoid meaningless spending sooner rather than later.

Conversions Tracking:
What Google does is track conversions related to your ads. This is optimal. Also, conversion rates won’t affect how your ads rank.

What you can do, however, is wait until enough data is gathered about your ads. Then use the autobidding features to link your ads to your conversation rate goals.

In Conclusion:
How successful you are with each platform will depend on your digital advertising goals. Facebook is essentially all about demand generation. Google is more focused on demand fulfillment.

You’re certainly welcome to split your digital ad budget between each platform. Ultimately, you’ll be more likely to reach your goals with either FB or Google if you do your homework first.

This means calculating your preferred cost per acquisition (CPA) and desired click-through rate. It can also be helpful to pay attention to your ad copy and know who you want to view your ads and what actions you want your ads to inspire.
Ted is from Ice Cube Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Singapore that helps local small businesses acquire leads from channels such as Facebook and Google.